Hauptsache die Familie ist versorgt- war immer sein Lebensmotto.




Your love raised me up!

你待我如珠如寶,我是你的掌上明珠,一直呵護著,溫柔的稱我Kätzchen。十年來你把我養成無憂無慮,對你全然信賴,站在你身邊我變得强大 。



你愛時刻保持最佳狀態,鄰居都稱你很stylish,我愛為你而打扮 ,一齊遊走各個舞會派對。

我們上山下海,sporty的你驕傲的領著我們爬野長城,前無去路,破釜沉舟,嚇得我以為要乘直升機回去。在香港我們以海為鄰,秋天遠足,夏天乘快艇出海,十足地中海旅遊,但每次的重點是 - 媽媽發火兩父女不搽防曬油!當然少不了sophie最厭惡的各個博物館。

你除了工作,便是家庭, 享受週末的 movie nights,子女視你為好朋友,渴望他們以後都深受你影響。


Dein Kätzchen

Your love raised me up

I have always been the apple of your eye. You have always petted me and gently called me your beloved Kätzchen. After 10 years, you developed me as carefree, leaning on you with total trust, I become greater and stronger.

You took me on adventures around the world, tasted great wine and food, and saw the wonders and culture of the world. We made friends wherever we went and shared precious experiences with our best friends.

You always planned ahead for the holidays and anniversaries, prepared heartwarming gifts and dressed me up. I could imagine the envy of the shop assistants, when such a romantic man took his daughter to the store to pick a gift for his wife.

You always kept yourself in good shape. Neighbours called you stylish. I enjoyed dressing up and partying with you. We embarked on numerous outdoor adventures. I still remember how you brought us to climb the Wild Great Wall, we struggled so hard that I thought we would need to call a helicopter. Living by the sea in Hong Kong, we loved hiking in the autumn and taking a speedboat to the sea in the summer- just like travelling in the Mediterranean. But the father and daughter always drove mum mad as they never put on sunscreen! Of course, we must not forget Sophie’s hatred of all the museums.

Apart from work, all you had was your family. You enjoyed the movie nights at weekends and your children treated you as a friend. I hope you will always be the role model for them. Our home must be kept clean and tidy, but no matter how upset you would be, I will never make the bed in the morning!

Dein Kätzchen




As a father Andreas was always caring, loving and most importantly supporting. He always wanted the best for us kids. He literally showed us the world and its wonders. We owe him a lot.

Funeral Speech

Papa was one of the best speech writers I ever witnessed. I am sure many of you know that. So it will be a challenge for me today to follow papas footsteps. But I will try my best to honour him with a good speech .

 I still remember how I pushed him into holding a speech at my graduation ceremony, because I wanted MY dad to stand up there and speak, because I was proud of him, and admired his way of expressing himself.

Marlies, when we had breakfast recently, you told me what you most appreciated about my dad. You told me that it did not matter how far away he lived, he never forgot his roots. He even stayed in contact with the woman who bought his parents house in Rudolstadt, the city where he was born.

 He tried to visit his family and friends in Hamburg as often as possible. He was often stressed about all the appointments he had while being on his short visits here, but he always made time to pick me up from university for a quick lunch! I will never forget that one time Papa met me at my university. He stood outside the building carrying my girly PINK backpack. It was the only one he could find at home, but imagine him standing there with a pinky backpack between all those students. At first this was a little bit embarrassing but at the same time I felt proud, proud of my confident dad. And I wanted to be just like him!

 He has a lot of character traits I admire him for. And I was so fortunate to be taught a few of them.

He taught me to be self-confident, be proud of who I am and always keep my head held high. He pushed me to be the best version of myself and he saw my potentials in moments where I didn’t.

Papa offered us THE best life we could have wished for. As kids we were often disappointed when he had to go on business trips, but today we know better. Today I know that everything he did was out of love and support for us. He often joked and said:  „Im nächsten Leben werde ich Sohn von Andreas Meisel“. He always wanted us kids to thrive and have a good life.

What I admire most about him is that he treated everyone as someone special. He wasn’t just a role model for us, he was role model for many of his friends and colleges as well. Papa always encouraged others and was proud of them when they succeeded. He taught me to help whomever I can and treat everyone with respect. It did not matter to him if you were an apprentice or the chairman of the board, he always welcomed you with open arms.

One day, when I have kids I will tell them the story of how, at Christmas time, the hole family went to cut a Christmas tree and ate Erbsensuppe with Bockwürstchen afterwards. Or that time we were in Tibet and he did a horseback ride on the back of a tiny horse up Tempel Mountain. And I will never forget that night I went clubbing with Papa and Karsten in Beijing. And we enjoyed drinks together like if we were best friends.

There are endless stories to tell his grandkids one day.

And I hope to keep his spirit alive by telling these stories.


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Through thick and thin.

As a family we have mastered many challenges. And Andreas has taught us all these years that you can get through everything if you stick together as a family.